Обитель зла 2 чит-файл №3

Presenting an Enemy Guide

-Table of Contents-

I. Version History

II. The Enemies

III. Frequently Asked Questions

IV. Thanks and Praise

-I. Version History-

V 1.0 - Everything is new

-II. The Enemies-

Zombies are the most common enemy in the whole Resident Evil Series, they are
the main enemy. They zombies used to be people, but turned into zombies
because of the Virus.

How many shots it takes to kill them:

Handgun Shots: 4-7
Bow Gun: 1-3
Shotgun Shots: 1-2 (Hint: To kill a zombie with one shotgun shot, get kind of
close to it, and it should only take one shot, if you get too close, the upper
body will crawl at you)
Magnum Shots: 1
Grenade Rounds: 1-2 (Hint: don't get too close, or it will take 2, if you are
at the right distance away from the zombie, it will only take 1)
Acid Rounds: 1-2 (Hint: Same as Grenade)
Flame Rounds: 1-2 (Hint: Same as Grenade
S. Machine Gun: 4-5%

Note: If you meet Brad Vickers, it will take more ammo to kill him.

The Crows are only found in one section of Resident Evil 2, they are in the
hallway after the waiting room, there are about 2 there already, but when you
walk far enough, about 4 more break through the window. I would just use a
knife or a hangun for these, instead of wasting your more powerful ammo.

How many shots it takes to kill them:

Handgun Shots: 1
Bow Gun: 1
Shotgun Shots: 1
Magnum Shots: 1
Grenade Rounds: 1
Acid Rounds: 1
Flame Rounds: 1
S. Machine Gun: 1%

The Lickers
The Lickers are probably the 2nd most common emeny in Resident Evil 2, they
are those red things that look like the insides of a human body that crawl
around on the ground, wall, and ceiling.

How many shots it takes to kill them:

Handgun Shots: 10-12
Bow Gun: 3-4
Shotgun Shots: 2-3
Magnum Shots: 1
Grenade Rounds: 2-3
Acid Rounds: 2-3
Flame Rounds: 2-3
S. Machine gun: 6-8%

The Licker Bs
The Licker Bs are just like regular lickers, but they are a greenish color.

How many shots it takes to kill them:

Handgun Shots: 10-12
Bow Gun: 3-4
Shotgun Shots: 2-3
Magnum Shots: 1
Grenade Rounds: 2-3
Acid Rounds: 2-3
Flame Rounds: 2-3
S. Machine gun: 6-8%

I don't think I really need to explain the dogs, I think everybody knows what
dogs look like. I'll just say that they are brown and black.

How many shots it takes to kill them:

Handgun Shots: 5-7
Bow Gun: 2-3
Shotgun Shots: 1-2
Magnum Shots: 1
Grenade Rounds: 1-2
Acid Rounds: 1-2
Flame Rounds: 1-2
S. Machine Gun: 5-7%

The spiders are like giant tarantulas in Resident Evil 2. They are found in
the sewage areas only, and they are one of the things that can poison you.

How many shots it takes to kill them:

Handgun Shots: 10-12
Bow Gun: 3-4
Shotgun Shots: 2-3
Magnum Shots: 1
Grenade Rounds: 2-3
Acid Rounds: 2-3
Flame Rounds: 2-3
S. Machine Gun: 6-8%

I have no Idea what these things are called, they are only found in the
Umbrella Lab area, they are green, and have arms that float around, they are
also the other thing that can poison you.

How many shots it takes to kill them

Handgun Shots: 15-20
Bow Gun: 4-5
Shotgun Shots: 3-4
Magnum Shots: 1
Grenade Rounds: 2-3
Acid Rounds: 2-3
Flame Rounds: 2-3
S. Machine Gun: 10-12%

The Crocodile
The crocodile is that giant crocodile that you see in a hallway near a sewage

How many shots it takes to kill it:

I don't know about this one, because I just knock down the gas cylendar, wait
until he has it in his mouth, and shoot him. If you do that it will blow it
up, that is the easy way.

I'm not sure if they are called slugs, but they are the little brown things
that come out of william, they can also be found blocking the computer in the
Unbrella Lab. Like the crows, I would suggest you use just handgun bullets
instead of your more powerful ones.

How many shots it takes to kill them:

Handgun Shots: 1
Bow Gun: 1
Shotgun Shots: 1
Magnum Shots: 1
Grenade Rounds: 1
Acid Rounds: 1
Flame Rounds: 1
S. Machine Gun: 1%

The Moth
Again, I'm not sure if it is called the moth, but it is that thing in the room
where you register on the computer in the Umbrella Lab, it just looks like a
giant moth.

How many shots it takes to kill it:

Handgun Shots: 20-25
Bow Gun: 7-9
Shotgun Shots: 4-5
Magnum Shots: 1-2
Grenade Rounds: 2-3
Acid Rounds: 2-3
Flame Rounds: 2-3
S. Machine Gun: 14-16%

William Berkin (Boss)
William Berkin is the guy that invented and injected himself with the G-Virus.
He looks like a big ugly creature with an eye in his arm.

How many shots it takes to kill him:

Handgun Shots: A lot
Bow Gun: 20-25
Shotgun Shots: 7-10
Magnum Shots: 4-5
Grenade Rounds: 6-8
Acid Rounds: 6-8
Flame Rounds: 6-8
S. Machine Gun: 25-40%

Mr. X
Mr. X is that big guy in the trench coat that busts through walls. He is in
both Lean and Claire's second scenario. Watch out, he might bust through a
wall surprisingly, and scare the hell out of you!

How many shots it takes to kill him:


Tyrant (Final Boss)
The Tyrant, is William Berkin I think, the Tyrant just looks different, he has
really sharp nails, not only sticking out og his fingers, but also sticking
out of his chest.

How many shots it takes to kill him:

Note: When you fight the Tyrant on the second scenario, walk forward and LARA
CROFT will throw you a Rocket Launcher, you have to use that, and a cinema
will show you kill him with one shot from the Rocket Launcher, you have to aim
and press A first though.

In first scenario when you fight him at the elevator:

Handgun Shots: way too many
Bow Gun: A lot
Shotgun Shots: 16-20
Magnum Shots: 6-8
Grenade Rounds: 14-16
Acid Rounds: 14-16
Flame Rounds: 14-16
S. Machine Gun: 90-100% (maybe more, so you'll have to use something else too)

-III. Frequently Asked Questions-

I will put the FAQ section up when I get questions to answer.

-IV. Thanks and Praise-

Capcom, Angel Studios - For making Resident Evil 2, a great game

Me, The Undrtakr - For making this guide :)

This text is Copyright 2000 The Undrtakr, and shall not be used on any site
except for www.gamefaqs.com, mags, etc. without permission.